lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007

Where you can study Systems Biology

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg - Biosystems Engineering (Undergraduate Program)

University of Stuttgart - Engineering Cybernetics - Systems Biology research option (Bachelor and Master Program)

Jacobs University Bremen - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Undergraduate Program)

University of Tokyo - Undergraduate Program for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

UC Davis - Interdisciplinary Minor in Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics (Undergraduate Program)

UCLA - Computational And Systems Biology - Undergraduate Interdepartmental Program

Princeton University - "Integrated Science" (Undergraduate Program)

Princeton University - Undergraduate Certificate in Quantitative and Computational Biology

Iowa State University - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Undergraduate Program)

Brown University - Computer Sciences Department - Undergraduate Concentration in Computational Biology

Cornell University - Computational Biology Undegraduate Program

Florida State University - Undergraduate Program in Computational Biology

McGill University - Bachelor of Science, Minor in Computational Molecular Biology

Case Western Reserve University - Undergraduate Program in Systems Biology

Case Western Reserve University - Complex Systems Biology Center (Graduate Traning Program)

Binghamton University - Bioengineering Department (Undergraduate and Graduate Program)

Drexel University - Center for Integrated Bioinformatics (Bachelor, Master And Doctoral Program)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Training Program

Johns Hopkins University - Biomedical Engineering Program (Bachelor, Master and PhD Program)

Ghent University - Department of Plant Systems Biology

McGill University - Human Systems Biology Graduate Track

McGill University - Physiology PhD Program (Quantitative & Computational Concentration)

University of Toronto - Department of Cell and Systems Biology

Freiburg Initiative for Systems Biology

The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (Master and PhD program)

Keio University - Center for Biosciences and Informatics (Master and PhD Program)

Kyoto University - Department of Molecular and Systems Biology

Tokyo Medical and Dental University - School of Biomedical Science (Master and PhD Program)

Kanazawa University (Division of Electrical and Computer Engineering) - Bioinfomatics and Robotics - Systems Biology research option (Master Program)

Kanazawa University (Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) - Intelligent Systems and Information Mathematics - Systems Biology research option(Doctoral Program)

Tokyo Tech - Department of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science - Genomic Cybernetics and Synthetic Biology research options (Master and Doctoral Program)

The University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Frontier Sciences - Department of Computational Biology

The University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Frontier Sciences - Department of Complexity Science and Engineering - Complex Systems Group - Complexity and Active Intelligence research option

The University of Tokyo - Graduate School of Frontier Sciences - Department of Frontier Informatics - Evolution and Complex Systems research option

NAIST - Graduate School of Information Science - Systems Biology research option

Osaka University - Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences

Osaka University - Graduate School of Information Science and Technology - Department of Bioinformatic Engineering

Kyushu University - Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences

Waseda University - Graduate School of Science and Engineering - Multidisciplinary Studies - Major in Integrative Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering

Tohoku University - Graduate School of Information Sciences - Intelligent Control Systems research option

Kyushu Institute of Technology - Graduate School of Computer Science and Systems Engineering - Department of Bioscience and Bioinformatics

Weizmann Institute of Science - Bioinformatics-Biology Track

KAIST - Department of Bio and Brain Engineering

POSTECH - Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Bioscience and Bioengineering

Universität Rostock - Computational Engineering - Systems Biology research option (Master of Science Program)

Technical University of Denmark - Biocentrum - MSc in Systems Biology

Telemark University College - Systems and Control Engineering Master Program - Systems Biology research option

Vrije University - Systems Biology (Master Program)

Universiteit van Amsterdam - Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Master Programme

Birkbeck, University of London - MSc Bioinformatics with Systems Biology

Chalmers University of Technology And Göteborg University - Complex Adaptive Systems (Master Program)

Chalmers University of Technology And Göteborg University - Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (Master Program)

KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology) - Master Program in Computational and Systems Biology

KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology) - Ph.D. program in Automatic Control - Systems Biology research option

University of Turku - Biological Interactions - Graduate School

Glasgow University - Department of Computer Sciences - Master Program - Systems Biology and Bioinformatics research option

University of Birmingham - MSc Natural Computation - Systems Biology research option

University College Cork - MSc in Applied Science (Computational Systems Biology)

Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Máster en Bioinformática y Biología Computacional

Universidad CEU San Pablo - Master on Computational Biotechnology

University of Ulster - Bioinformatics (Master program)

University of Ulster - The System Biology Regional Network - PhD projects on Systems Biology

Universidad de Navarra - Máster y Doctorado en Ingeniería Biomédica

UNAM - Center for Genomic Sciences - Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Biomédicas - Computational Genomics Program

Stony Brook University - BioSystems Group - research opportunities leading to the Ph.D. degree

Stony Brook University - Physiology and Biophysics Graduate program

ETHZ and the University of Zurich - Master program in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

ETHZ and the University of Zurich - University Research Priority Program Systems Biology / Functional Genomics - PhD projects on Systems Biology

ETHZ and the University of Zurich - Life Sciences Zurich Graduate School (PhD Programs)

ETHZ - Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering

Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology - Doctoral Training Centre

Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre

Warwick Systems Biology - Doctoral Training Centre

University College London - CoMPLEX (PhD Programme)

Oxford University - Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre

The University of Sheffield - Computational Systems Biology Group - PhD Opportunities

International Research Training Group (Berlin-Boston-Kyoto) - Genomics and Systems Biology of Molecular Networks

International Max Planck Research School for Computational Biology and Scientific Computing

Harvard University - Department of Systems Biology (PhD Program)

MIT - Computational and Systems Biology PhD Program

Princeton University - Graduate Program in Quantitative and Computational Biology

UC Irvine - Mathematical, Computational and Systems Biology (Master and Doctoral Program)

UC Merced - Quantitative and Systems Biology (Master and Doctoral Program)

UCSD - Systems Biology (Graduate Education and PostDoctoral Training)

UCSF - Integrative Program in Complex Biological Systems (Graduate Program)

CalTech - Bioengineering Graduate Program - Synthetic and Systems Biology Sub-Option

CalTech - Control and Dynamical Systems Graduate Program - Systems Biology research option

UCSD, Salk Institute and Scripps Research Institute - Plant Systems Biology PhD Program

University of Nebraska–Lincoln - Plant Systems Biology Graduate Program

Virginia Tech - Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology

Vanderbilt University Medical Center - Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics

University of Chicago - Ph.D. program in Biophysical Sciences - Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology research options

Emory University - The Computational and Life Sciences Strategic Initiative

Texas A&M Health Science Center - The College of Medicine - Department of Systems Biology and Translational Medicine (MD/PhD Program)

UT Southwestern Medical Center - Molecular Biophysics Graduate Program - Emphasis in Quantitative Biology

Stanford University - Chemical and Systems Biology Department

Stanford University BIO-X program

Tri-Institutional Training Program in Computational Biology and Medicine (Cornell University, Weill Cornell Medical College And Sloan-Kettering Institute)

UCSB - Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program - Systems Biology research option

University of Pennsylvania - Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Genomics and Computational Biology

CMU-Pitt Ph.D. Program in Computational Biology

Arizona State University - Computational Biosciences (Master and PhD Program)

Interdisciplinary And Cross-Institutional PhD Program in Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics

Boston University - Graduate Training Program in Quantitative Biology and Physiology

Brandeis University - Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Quantitative Biology

Claremont Graduate University and KGI - PhD in Computational and Systems Biology

Columbia University - Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular and Biophysical Studies

Cornell University - Physiology, Biophysics and Systems Biology Graduate Program

Cornell University - College of Engineering - Biomedical Engineering Department - Systems Biology research option

Duke University - PhD Program in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Rutgers University - PhD Program in Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics

Indiana University - Systems Biology Graduate Program

Michigan State University - Quantitative Biology and Modeling PhD Program

New York University - PhD Program in Computational Biology

University of Rochester Medical Center - Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology (Graduate Program)

Northwestern University - Master of Science in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

UC Berkeley - Graduate Group in Computational and Genomic Biology

UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley - Bioengineering Graduate Program - Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Genomics research option

Rice University - Bioengineering Graduate Program - Computational and Theoretical Bioengineering Track

UC Riverside - Bioengineering Graduate Program - BioCellular Engineering research option

UCLA - Biomedical Engineering Interdepartmental Program - Biocybernetics research option (Master and Doctoral Program)

University of Virginia - Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program - Computational Systems Bioengineering research option

University of Washington - Bioengineering Graduate Program - Computational and Integrative Bioengineering research option

Purdue University - Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program - Computational and Systems Biology research option

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Thanks for the link to our program!

Vicky Harris